Stained Glass At Last

Marking the end of the entryway project, which has dragged on several months and thousands of dollars longer/more than we expected, was the placement of the stained glass in the front door. After working with a company (who shall remain nameless) that tried to overcharge us on every aspect of a stained glass front door, I 'fired' them (a la Trump!) and decided to buy a surplus white mahogany door from a discounter here in Morgantown, design our own glass project working with Williams Stained Glass in Pittsburgh, then replace the factory glass with that design. The whole thing cost about half of what the other company was going to charge, and the stained glass landscape 'scene' is a depiction of one of our local hilltop views that we see every day! Anyway, we're very pleased with the result and think it complements the split walnut nicely. It's difficult to capture the look and feel of the glass (which actually changes a lot with the lighting), but here is one photo for your viewing pleasure... I may add more if we get a better one soon.